Tamari Almonds
2 cups raw almonds with skin
1/8 cup tamari soy sauce (low-sodium)
Preheat oven to 300° F.
Pour almonds onto sheet pan and place in oven for 10 minutes.
Remove from oven, flip almonds with a spatula or shake pan so that
almonds roll over. Place in oven for another 10 minutes.
Cut one or two almonds in half to see if they are still white
inside, turning darker, golden, or golden brown. Return to oven until
golden to golden-brown. (See photos below.)
Pour almonds into a bowl. Pour tamari over almonds and stir. It will steam
as you stir. Continue to stir almonds until all the tamari has coated the
almonds and the liquid has evaporated.
Turn off the oven. Distribute the coated almonds on the pan and
return to the oven to dry for 10 minutes. Remove when dry.