Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spring Mill Bread Company

This is the bread that I buy on a weekly basis.  It is from the wonderful Spring Mill Bread Company.  I usually stop in on Monday morning to get a loaf for the week.  Sometimes I will go again on Friday if needed.  If Fitzy is lucky (which is most of the time) I will pick up a loaf for her and the boys.  C'mon, "I'm just sayin'".... it's Fitzy!

What I love about this bread is EVERYTHING!  It stays fresh for a week (if it lasts that long), it is made with high protein organic Montana wheat that is stone ground in their bakery on a daily basis.  Their breads have usually only 5 or 6 ingredients.  For example, their delicious Oat Bran Bread seen in the picture above contains: 1)whole wheat flour, 2)rolled oats, 3)water, 4)honey, 5)yeast, and 6)salt.  I have tried almost all their breads --they are all delicious! The best part is that this wonderful bread is so incredibly wholesome and REAL.  It is not processed like most brands you find in a grocery high fructose corn syrup, no chemicals, no preservatives, etc.  This type of bread is as wholesome as baking it myself!  I hope you have a bakery like Spring Mill Bread Company where you live.  You may be able to order online...check out their website-->Spring Mill Bread Company!